Introducing our Step Up Programme to Promote Internal Talent

byPreeti VermaLast Updated: May 17, 2024

We celebrate a culture of entrepreneurship and give every Paytmer multiple opportunities to take on responsibilities to innovate new ideas, products, and processes within our organisation. This also includes encouraging Paytmers on the path to their growth, career, and self-development. 

In this regard, we are happy to launch the Step Up Programme — a  specially curated assessment center developed and designed totally in-house. Step Up aims at creating an internal talent pool of ready resources across levels in the sales team. These resources undergo rigorous assessments and are promoted to bigger roles for their growth.

To enable Paytmers, whether they want to focus on their individual need-based learning or career-enhancing upskilling, we also offer an Employee Learning Reimbursement Policy that compensates for any skill certification of choice. The programme is designed to make Paytmers more effective and efficient in pursuing their career goals. 

The Step Up programme will ensure that our internal talent is ready for enhanced roles, creates a comprehensive evaluation method for role change, minimises dependency on lateral hiring, and fosters a culture of growth within the organisation. The programme is also expected to create a fair and transparent methodology for promotion and create a pipeline for future hiring requirements. 

As of August 2023, we have already assessed more than 200 Paytmers and promoted over 30 through the Step Up programme. We have run a Step Up assessment center for QR & Soundbox and EDC for various designation bands like Senior Group Leader (FSE) to Team Leader, Team Leader to Area Sales Manager (ASM), and ASM to City Head. 

We are currently running the Step Up Assessment Center in the Payments Business Sales team. We are planning to scale it to other verticals as well.

Look out for Part 2 in this series, where we will next take you through the process of assessment and results of the Step Up programme

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