How To Find Electricity Bill Consumer Number?

byMrinal MandalLast Updated: July 19, 2024
How To Find Electricity Bill Consumer Number

The consumer number on an electricity bill is a unique identifier assigned to each consumer by the electricity provider. It is essential for various purposes, such as bill payment, addressing billing issues, accessing online portals, or customer service support. In this blog, we will provide a detailed guide on how to find your electricity bill consumer number both online and offline.

What is Consumer Number on Electricity Bill?

The consumer number on your electricity bill is a code given to you by the electricity provider. It helps them keep track of your account and manage it properly. The consumer number is important for things like paying your bill, resolving billing problems, and using online services. It ensures that you are correctly identified and helps you communicate with the electricity provider easily. Just remember that the length of the consumer number may vary depending on where you live. You can find your consumer number on your electricity bill, and you can also check your bill amount and get a duplicate copy online.

How to Find the Consumer Number on Electricity Bill Online?

Your consumer number can be found on your electricity bill. You can find it on any of your previous or current bills. Follow these simple steps to locate your electricity bill  consumer number:

On the Paytm application

  • Log in to the Paytm application 
  • Go to the ‘Bill Payments’ section and click on ‘Electricity Bill
  • Select your electricity provider from the available options or search for it if necessary.
  • Enter the required details and consumer number. You can also view the sample bill to get an idea about where to find consumer number
  • If you are not sure of your consumer number, you can view the sample bill to check out where to find consumer number.
  • You may be required to provide additional information, such as your registered mobile number, address, or account details, to verify your identity and retrieve the consumer number.

Through SMS

  • Find the SMS you received from your electricity operator regarding your bill.
  • Open the SMS on your phone.
  • Look for the consumer number mentioned in the SMS.
  • Write down or remember the consumer number for your records.

Using Other Portals

  • Visit the Portal: Go to the online portal of your respective electricity board.
  • Log in: Log in using your credentials.
  • Find Consumer Number: Your consumer number will be displayed on your account details page.

How to Find the Consumer Number on Electricity Bill Offline?

Finding Consumer Number on Electricity Bill

  • Locate Your Bill: You can find your consumer number on any of your previous or current electricity bills. It is usually displayed prominently on the bill under sections like ‘CONSUMER INFORMATION,’ ‘ACCOUNT DETAILS,’ or ‘CONSUMER ID.’
  • Check the Format: The length of the consumer number may vary across states and boards. For example, in some states like Madhya Pradesh, it is a 13-digit unique customer identification number

Visiting the Electricity Board Office

  • Visit the Office: You can visit the nearest electricity board office where you are registered as a consumer.
  • Provide Details: Provide the necessary information to the official, and they will be able to access your details and provide you with the consumer ID.

Importance of a Consumer Number

Here are some reasons why the consumer number is important:

  • The consumer number is a unique code assigned to each electricity consumer.
  • It helps the electricity company identify and manage individual customer accounts.
  • The consumer number is important for bill payments, ensuring payments are correctly associated with the respective accounts.
  • It is used for resolving billing inquiries and disputes, helping customer service representatives locate and review account details efficiently.
  • The consumer number is required for accessing online account management portals or apps provided by electricity companies.
  • It is essential for service-related requests such as applying for new connections, modifying existing services, or initiating disconnection.
  • Quoting the consumer number when contacting the electricity provider streamlines communication and offers quick access to customer information.

Other Names of Customer Identification Numbers

A consumer number is a customer identification number that is unique to each consumer, also known as an identification number on an electricity bill. Different types of customer identification numbers are used by different states and boards. Some of them are as follows-

  • CA Number in Bihar Boards
  • Account Number in Chandigarh, Daman & Diu
  • BP Number in CSEPDCL – Chhattisgarh
  • Contract Account Number in Goa Electricity Department

Other terms for consumer identification numbers include Consumer ID, Consumer Code, Business Partner Number, Account ID, and so on. Regardless of their various names, their purpose of providing consumers with a unique identifier remains the same.

How to Pay Electricity Bill Online on Paytm??

Step 1: Open the Paytm app on your mobile device.

Step 2: Tap on the ‘Bill Payments’ section and select ‘Electricity Bill.’

Step 3: Use the search bar to enter your state, and then choose your electricity board from the list.

Step 4: Enter your Application Number or Customer Identification Number (you can find this on your Sample Bill) and click on ‘Proceed.’

Step 5: Select your preferred payment method, such as Debit/Credit card, Net Banking, or UPI, and proceed with the payment.

Step 6: After the successful payment, you will receive a notification confirming the payment of your electricity bill.

    In summary, the consumer number plays a vital role in facilitating smooth interactions between customers and electricity providers. It ensures accurate billing, seamless payment processes, efficient account management, and effective communication, contributing to a better customer experience overall.

    Disclaimer: This blog is here to make complex processes easier to understand. However, please be aware that information might become outdated or change over time, or updates may occur. As a result, there might be some differences in the information provided. We do our best to keep everything up-to-date, but we recommend verifying information on official websites for accuracy.


    Where can I find my consumer number on the electricity bill?

    Look for a section on the bill labeled "Consumer Number" or "Account Number." It is usually located at the top or bottom of the bill.

    What if I can't find my consumer number on the physical bill?

    Check other sections of the bill, such as the header, footer, or backside. If you still can't find it, contact your electricity provider's customer service for assistance.

    Can I find my consumer number on the electricity provider's website?

    Yes, some providers have an online portal where you can log in and access your account details. Look for the account details or profile settings section to find your consumer number.

    Can I find my consumer number on the Paytm app or website?

    Yes, Paytm provides an option to find or retrieve your consumer number during the bill payment process. Look for the "Find Consumer Number" link or button.

    What if I don't know my consumer number and can't find it using the suggested methods?

    Contact your electricity provider's customer service. They will ask for some personal information to verify your identity and assist you in retrieving the consumer number.

    Does Paytm store the consumer number after I make a bill payment?

    Yes, Paytm saves information like your consumer number for future bill payments, so you don't have to search for it again.

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