What is the Difference Between a 3-Star AC and 5-Star AC?

byPriyanka JuyalLast Updated: July 25, 2024
What is the Difference Between a 3 Star AC and 5 Stars AC?

As the summer heat intensifies, choosing the right air conditioner becomes crucial for maintaining a comfortable indoor environment. One of the key factors to consider when selecting an AC is its star rating, which indicates its energy efficiency. In this blog, we will explore the differences between 3-star and 5-star ACs to help you make an informed decision.

What are Star Rated ACs?

Air conditioners are rated on a scale of 1 to 5 stars based on their energy efficiency. The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) assigns these ratings to help consumers understand the power required by the AC to cool a room. Here is an overview of the differences between 3-star and 5-star ACs:

Key Differences Between a 3 Star AC and 5 Star AC

  • Energy Efficiency: 5-star ACs consume significantly less power than 3-star ACs, saving up to 28% more energy.
  • Cooling Capacity: 5-star ACs offer higher cooling capacity and cool rooms faster due to their energy efficiency ratio.
  • Power Consumption: 5-star ACs consume less power across various tonnage capacities compared to 3-star ACs.
  • Noise Levels: 5-star ACs operate quieter than 3-star ACs, ensuring a peaceful environment.
  • Factors Affecting Power Consumption: Room size, insulation, thermostat settings, usage patterns, and maintenance all impact AC power consumption

Difference Between 5-Star AC and 3-Star AC

Here is a table comparing the key differences between a 5-star AC and a 3-star AC:

What Are the Factors That Affect AC Power Consumption?

The factors that affect AC power consumption include:

  • Room Size: Larger rooms consume more power to cool, while smaller rooms consume less.
  • Number of People: More people in a room increase the power consumption of the AC.
  • Temperature: Higher temperatures outside and inside the room increase the power consumption of the AC.
  • Electrical Appliances: More electrical appliances in the room generate heat, increasing the power consumption of the AC.
  • Star Rating: Higher star ratings indicate better energy efficiency, resulting in lower power consumption.
  • Type of AC: Different types of ACs, such as window, split, or central ACs, have varying power consumption levels.
  • Location: Different locations have varying temperature profiles, which affect the power consumption of the AC.
  • Colors in the Room: Colors in the room can also impact the power consumption of the AC.
  • Air Conditioner Temperature: Lower temperatures set on the thermostat increase the power consumption of the AC.
  • Air Duct Conditions: Dirty or clogged air ducts reduce the efficiency of the AC, increasing power consumption.
  • Poor Airflow: Poor airflow can cause the AC to work harder, increasing power consumption.
  • Dirty AC Coils: Dirty coils reduce the efficiency of the AC, increasing power consumption.
  • Neglecting Annual Maintenance: Neglecting annual maintenance can reduce the efficiency of the AC, increasing power consumption.

How to Calculate Monthly AC Power Consumption?

To calculate the power consumption of an air conditioner (AC), you need to consider the following factors:

  • AC KW rating: This is available on the AC nameplate.
  • Total daily running hours: This is the number of hours the AC runs per day.
  • Total cost of 1 unit of electricity: This is the cost of 1 unit of electricity.

Let’s use an example to illustrate this:

  • AC KW rating: 1.5 kW
  • Total daily running hours: 8 hours
  • Total cost of 1 unit of electricity: Rs. 6

Calculation example:

  • Units per month = 1.5 kW * 8 hours * 30 days = 360 units per month
  • Electricity bill for AC in a month = 360 units * Rs. 6 = Rs. 2160

This calculation provides a simple and easy-to-understand estimate of the power consumption of an air conditioner.

Also Read: How to Select the Best AC With Low Power Consumption?

How to Reduce AC Power Consumption?

To reduce AC power consumption, follow these tips:

  • Set a Timer: Set a timer for your AC to turn off after a certain period, usually 1-2 hours, to avoid continuous usage. 
  • Set the Right Temperature: Maintain a comfortable temperature. Avoid setting the temperature too low, as this can increase electricity usage by 6% for every degree decrease. 
  • Clean Air Filters: Regularly clean or replace air filters to ensure smooth airflow and efficient cooling. Dirty filters can cause the AC to consume more power to cool the room. 
  • Seal Leaks and Ensure Proper Ventilation: Seal any gaps or holes around windows and doors to prevent cool air from escaping. 
  • Upgrade to Energy-Efficient AC: When upgrading, look for energy-efficient models with higher star ratings (5-star is the highest). 
  • Regular Servicing: Schedule regular servicing for your AC to ensure it runs efficiently. 
  • Operate the AC Wisely: Avoid keeping the AC on continuously throughout the day. 
  • Use Natural Ventilation: Use natural ventilation by opening windows during cooler hours to reduce the need for AC usage. 
  • Monitor and Adjust: Monitor your electricity bills and adjust your usage habits accordingly.

Choosing Between 3-Star and 5-Star ACs

When deciding between a 3-star and 5-star AC, consider your cooling needs, budget, and usage patterns. If you prioritize energy efficiency, long-term savings, and powerful cooling, a 5-star AC is the better choice. However, if your cooling requirements are less intense and you don’t need year-round usage, a 3-star model may be a more practical and cost-effective option.

The choice between a 3-star and 5-star AC ultimately depends on your individual preferences and requirements. While 5-star ACs offer superior energy efficiency, cooling capacity, and durability, they come at a higher upfront cost. 3-star ACs, on the other hand, provide decent cooling at a more affordable price point. By considering factors such as room size, usage patterns, and budget, you can make an informed decision that suits your needs and helps you save on energy costs in the long run.

Also Read: Air Coolers vs Air Conditioners – Which One to Choose and Why?

Disclaimer: The purpose of this blog is to simplify complex processes for readers’ understanding. Please note that some information and screenshots provided may become outdated or change over time. However, we strive to keep our blogs updated and relevant to provide accurate and helpful information.


What is the difference in power consumption between 3-star, 4-star, and 5-star ACs?

The main difference lies in the efficiency of the ACs. 5-star ACs are the most energy-efficient, followed by 4-star and then 3-star. This means that 5-star ACs consume less power to achieve the same cooling effect as 3-star and 4-star ACs.

How much electricity does a 3-star AC consume?

A 3-star AC typically consumes around 1.5 to 2.5 units of electricity per hour, depending on the size and capacity of the AC.

Why is a 5-star rating AC the best?

When compared to ACs with lower star ratings, 5-star ACs use less energy and power.

What are some tips to further reduce AC electricity costs?

Some tips to reduce AC electricity costs include:
  • Regularly clean the AC's filters and coils
  • Use the AC's timer or thermostat to optimize usage
  • Ensure proper insulation and sealing of doors and windows
  • Use the AC's energy-saving mode when available

Can I pay my electricity bill online?

Install the Paytm application to pay electricity bills online by following a few easy steps.

Can I also pay my electricity bill through the Paytm website?

Pay your electricity bill through the Paytm website by signing up to the website.

Is it true that many people impact the cooling capacity of an AC?

The human body emits heat, and a crowded room emits even more heat, reducing the cooling capacity of the air conditioner. As a result, AC consumes more energy and takes longer to cool the room.

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