How to Reduce Monthly Gas Bills?

byMrinal MandalLast Updated: March 13, 2024
how to save your gas bill

Are you worried about your gas consumption? Has it started to add up to your monthly expenses to a great extent? Or are you just worried about wastage of gas and want to optimize your usage of cooking gas?

Well, you have come to the right place as this blog talks about 16 different ways following which you can save on your gas bills considerably.

We often make small mistakes or do things that might seem inconsiderable but they add up a lot to your bills. In this blog, we will discuss various ways to use cooking gas smartly.

1. Check for leakages

There can be small leakages in the pipe, burner or regulator. These small leakages can lead to a huge wastage of gas and therefore, increase the gas bill. Get rid of these leaks, if you find any and this will help you save some amount on your gas bills.

2. Dry the Pans and Pots Before You Start Cooking

One of the most common mistakes that people make, in almost every house, is that they put wet pots and pans over the burner and let the water dry out using the gas. If you wipe your cookware before you put them on the burner, you can save on your gas bills.

3. Avoid Overcooking

Overcooking can be one of the biggest factors that add up to your gas bills unnecessarily. Hence, being a little more careful and avoiding overcooking your meals can help you reduce your gas bills.

4. Pans with Lids: The Perfect Cooking Pair

Using a pan and covering it with the lid while cooking helps you in two ways:

  • Your dishes cook faster when you cover them with lids
  • You save on your gas consumption by covering the dishes with lids while cooking

So not only are you saving your time and effort but you are also saving your money by using pans with lids.

5. Use a Thermos Flask to Keep the Water Warm

Some dishes require warm water to be cooked instead of cold water. So, instead of boiling water every time you are cooking something, you can boil the water once and keep it in a thermos flask and use it whenever you want to throughout the day.

6. Low Flame is a Winner

Higher flames are generally known for destroying the beneficial enzymes, nutrients, etc., and involve higher gas consumption. Hence, it is better to use the low flame to cook the food, which will help you save on your gas bill while keeping the nutrients and beneficial enzymes intact in the food.

7. Be Careful with the Quantity

Now, this has nothing to do with how you cook the food but with how much you are cooking. If you throw away some food regularly or find that you have cooked more food than you actually needed, then you must be careful with how much you are cooking. If you can optimise the quantity of food you are preparing, you will save on both, the gas and the food.

Pressure cookers use pressurised steam to cook food; therefore, they take less time and consume less gas for cooking food. Try using a pressure cooker whenever it is possible to prepare the food or the dishes to lower your gas bills.

9. Are the Burners Clean?

If you find the flame from your burners inconsistent or of a different colour such as yellow, orange, or something else, then it may be possible that the burner isn’t clean. Therefore, you need to clean your burners to not let the gas go in wastage.

10. Have Everything Ready Beforehand

Many of us often put our utensils on the burner with the flame on and then look for the ingredients to actually start cooking. This can lead to the wastage of gas as for a certain amount of time, the utensils will be over the flame for nothing.

11. Try Not To Cook Separate Meals For Everyone

Sometimes the choice of our food may differ from other members of the family, which may lead us to cook different dishes for different people. However, if you try to avoid that and cook the same meal for everyone, you are surely saving a lot on your gas consumption.

12. Defrost the Frozen Food Before Cooking

It is a no-brainer that if you use frozen food for cooking directly, it is going to consume more gas than needed. First to come to normal temperature and then for the cooking purpose. So, if you defrost and let your frozen food come to normal temperature before you use it for cooking, you will reduce your gas bills.

13. Turn Off the Flame Right Before the End

Your cookwares retain some of the heat in themselves when you are cooking food in them and you can use that for your benefit. Turn off the flame right before the food is almost cooked and let the retained heat do the rest for you.

14. Use Soaked Food for Cooking

Ingredients like grains, pulses, rice etc. cook faster and better if you soak them in water before you start cooking. Soaking your food also helps in bringing all the nutritional value out in your food; hence, you should start soaking to start saving.

15. Right Cookware – High Saving

Using the cookware smartly can help you save on your gas consumption, i.e., using small cookwares for a small quantity of food and bigger cookware for bigger quantities. Since bigger cookwares use more heat, i.e., more gas to heat up, using bigger cookware for smaller quantities can lead to wastage of gas.

16. A Family that Dines Together, Saves Together

Dining together has many perks, such as it allows you to spend quality time with your loved ones and helps you save on your gas bills. But how?

It’s simple: if everyone is dining at different times, it may mean that the food needs to be heated repeatedly. So, dining together cuts down the need for reheating food, helping you to reduce your gas bill.

Conclusion: There can be many reasons why your gas bill is higher than it should be. It is actually very simple to cut down your gas bill to a very great extent by making a few small changes. Here, we discussed 16 such ways to reduce gas bills easily.


What are some common reasons behind cooking gas wastage?

Some of the common reasons behind wastage of gas are: Leakages in burner, pipe, regulator, etc. Overcooking Using high flames for cooking Using frozen food directly for cooking Uncleaned burners

What are some ways to save on cooking gas consumption?

Here are some of the ways you can save on your cooking gas: Use pressure cooker for cooking Use pans with lids for cooking Use low flames to cook Soak the food before cooking Dry the cookware before using them for cooking

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