Understanding Imperfect Competition Imperfect competition refers to a market structure where the conditions that are necessary for perfect…
What is an Amalgamation? Amalgamation is the process where two or more companies combine to form a new…
Understanding Basel III Basel III is an internationally agreed regulatory framework developed by the Basel Committee on Banking…
What is the Expenditure Method? Expenditure method is a method used for the calculation of Gross Domestic Product…
Understanding Minority Interest Minority interest is a portion of the subsidiaries that is not owned by the parent…
Introduction to Educational Cess It refers to an additional tax imposed by the government on taxpayers in order…
What is Standard Deduction? Along with all the taxes imposed under the Income Tax Act, the provision also…
What is Exempt Income Exempt income refers to the income that is not subject to any tax by…
What is Financial Literacy? Financial literacy refers to the ability of understanding and applying various financial concepts and…
Understanding Book Building Book building is a process used by a company that appoints an underwriter (that is…