Our Frontend crew gives a sneak peek into how it’s like working at Paytm

byjitendra7.singhLast Updated: August 17, 2022
Frontend developer’s Life at Paytm

What do we do at Paytm?

I work on the homepage – both for desktop and mobile web, along with various pages such as MyOrders and many more. Our team also handles some Paytm app pages, which are made in H5 technology. These H5 pages run in both Android and iOS simultaneously, and also support web functionality when required.

But, how do we make it happen?

Frontend Developer’s Life At Paytm_2_InternalImage

We monitor the performance of the web pages and try to load pages as fast as possible. For a better user experience, we make pages feel smooth and use animation for better interactivity.

We measure the actual speeds of an application, optimize it where possible using various internal and external tools.

Due to a lot of competition in the market, we have to be on the top of rankings on Search engines. So SEO (Search Engine Optimization) plays a major role in it. While working on various projects, we have come across problems such as FOUC (Flash of unstyled component) and blank div on the server because of which SEO is affected very badly. This problem was later fixed by using Server-Side Rendering and Isomorphic Javascript. We also use AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) pages for SEO.

Why Google AMP then…

Google created AMP so that publishers and businesses could avoid slow-loading web pages that frustrate users. AMP is optimized for mobile web browsing and intended to help web pages load faster.

AMP will impact SEO significantly if your website is not up to par when it comes to speed. For instance, two sites could rank similarly when it comes to SEO, however, the one with more speed would receive precedence.

Why do we prefer using Progressive Web Application?

Apart from this, our mobile homepage supports PWA (Progressive Web Application). It is the best way to make web apps load faster and more performant. It allows users to install a webpage on a computer or device, and deliver an app-like experience to them. It has the advantage of working offline when you don’t have an internet connection, leveraging data cached during your last interactions with the app and so on.

So, what’s it like working at Paytm?

It’s fun working with amazing teammates, as we face challenges together every other day whether it is performance, design, user experience, colours, typography, or responsiveness. Resolving them, and learning new methodologies and skills boosts my cofidence. It’s been over three years since I started my professional journey at Paytm (yes, I started my engineering career right here) and what a ride it has been. I am in fine company now – working with the best and smartest folks in the Industry.

This blog has been contributed by Abhay Jain, Senior Software Engineer at Paytm

Want to join the Frontend team at Paytm? We are hiring. Click the link below to visit our Jobs page here.


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