Blocking App Access for Rooted or Jailbroken Devices to Safeguard Users

byDilip PrasadLast Updated: May 25, 2023
Blocking App Access for Rooted or Jailbroken Devices to Safeguard Users

At Paytm, we hold the highest regard for the privacy and security of our users. In this regard, we are blocking access to our app on rooted/jailbroken devices. Such devices may give the user expanded functionalities, but are also highly susceptible to various kinds of online fraud.

We are taking this conscious step to protect our users from additional risks related to rooted and jailbroken devices, as per the guidelines issued by regulatory authorities.

FAQs about the Rooted/Jailbroken Devices:

1. What does “rooted/jailbroken device” mean?
Rooting or jailbreaking a phone is to give its owner complete access to the operating system’s foundation and all of its functions.The process of eliminating restrictions from an Android-powered smartphone or tablet is known as “rooting.” Similar to rooting, jailbreaking is the process of eliminating restrictions put on devices running the iOS operating system by Apple and affiliated carriers.

2. What are the risks associated with rooted/jailbroken devices?
The reduced built-in security features of rooted and jailbroken smartphones make them more vulnerable to malware and viruses. On jailbroken and rooted smartphones, many incidences of digital fraud have been reported in India and around the world.

3. What are regulatory guidelines?
The Reserve Bank of India issued a circular dated February 18, 2021, where it said, “All Regulated Entities may explore the feasibility of implementing a code that checks if the device is rooted/jailbroken prior to the installation of the mobile application and disallow the mobile application to install/ function if the phone is rooted/ jailbroken.”

4. What actions users can take?
If the device is found to have been rooted or jailbroken, the user can either use the Paytm app on a different device or reverse the jailbreak or root on the device. Users may reach out to their device service provider for further support on this.


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