Credit cards are undoubtedly the easiest way to borrow money and make purchases even if you are tight on your pockets for the time being. That is when you feel the need to buy a credit card. But before you can begin making purchases using your credit card, you first must apply for one and get approved for it.
If you have been making online purchases using your debit card, and have a good credit score with an impressive financial background, you would be treated as a “special customer” by your bank. You would also be given an option for availing a pre-approved credit card. This implies that having healthy financial habits will enable your bank to contact you and offer you the option of a pre-approved credit card. Going through this process will eliminate the hassle of application, while your bank does all the work for you!
Let’s find out how you can move ahead with the process of applying for a credit card even if your bank does not offer you a pre-approved one!
How to Apply for a Credit Card?
Applying for a credit card is a simple process; but only after you have decided which credit card you want to purchase. Once you have made the comparison and decided on which type of credit card you want to go ahead with, you need to follow these steps-
- Visit the bank’s official website
- Click on ‘Apply’ in the ‘Credit Cards’ section
- Enter personal details like your occupation, mobile number, monthly income, PIN code, etc.
- Select your preferred credit card and click on ‘Check Eligibility’
- If you meet all the credit card eligibility conditions required for the selected card, you be asked to proceed further with the application and enter details like your name, email address, date of birth, and PAN
- Move further and enter your residential address along with the PIN code
- After this, you will be asked to enter the details of your employment, like the company’s name, address, PIN code, and landline number
- Lastly, you will have to verify your mobile number using the OTP sent to your phone in order to complete the application process
After completing this process, you will receive a call from the bank/NBFC to suggest a time and place and complete the physical documentation process. The bank will send a field agent to your suggested location to do the same, post which your application process will be taken ahead.
It is important to note that your application may be rejected if you don’t meet any of the credit card eligibility conditions set by the bank or if you have applied for a credit card before, from the same issuer in the last 6 months.
How to Apply for Paytm HDFC Bank Credit Card?
The application process for Paytm HDFC Bank co-branded credit card is quite simple. All you need to do is download or open the Paytm App and follow these steps-
- On the main screen, scroll down to the section of ‘Loans & Credit Cards’
- Click on ‘Credit Card Loan’
- You will be redirected to the ‘Paytm HDFC Bank Application’ page
- Click on ‘Apply Now’
- Enter the relevant details like your PAN card number, address and other such professional details
- Tick mark the option to accept all terms and conditions and click on ‘Submit’
- After the verification of details provided, you will be notified about the status of your credit card application
- Your virtual credit card will be generated instantly and it will be ready to use post a final approval!
Additional Benefit? The entire credit card experience – right from the application process and issuance of the card to tracking expenditure online is digital, and can be completed in less than 5 minutes on the Paytm app!