Investing Tips for Beginners: How to Start Your Investment Journey in Your 30s

byDilip PrasadLast Updated: August 22, 2023
Start Your Investment Journey in Your 30s

Are you in your 30s and wondering about your financial security? Well, you are not alone in this journey. Your 20s and 30s are the best time to strengthen your investment strategies. You need to be diligent and have clarity of your financial future to get the desired results.

Let us explore some investing tips for young adults to help you with the same.

4 Investment Tips for Young Adults

  1. Create a Solid Financial Plan

The first step of your investment journey is drafting a financial plan. Depending on your short and long-term financial goals, you can choose the investment option.

For instance, if you want to save a substantial amount after five years, then strategic investment in the share market can be a great option. In this regard, you can follow share market investment tips from experts on the subject and plan accordingly.

Another point that needs to be mentioned is the diversification of your investment. Depending on your target and risk appetite, you need to spread your investments across different asset classes like equity, debt, fixed income, etc. This will help balance your total investment portfolio and get you the return you want.

  1. Balance your Investment Portfolio 

Another important tip for investing in your 30s is that you should use this time to bring the required balance to your investment portfolio. In this regard, you need to focus on investing in low-risk and high-risk options. The key is to invest in a proportion so that you can absorb the shock in case of low returns from volatile investment schemes, with the help of secure investments. This will lower the fluctuations in return over time and help you reach your financial goal.

The same applies to long-term and short-term options. 

  1. Invest in the Government’s Retirement Plans

The next point in this list of investment tips for 30-year-olds is to invest in retirement plans by the Indian Government. When you are planning for investment to have an effective retirement, you need both PPF and EPF accounts and must make meaningful contributions to them. Moreover, you do not have to pay taxes in both accounts as the schemes are tax-free. Apart from this, other notable retirement plans are Atal Pension Yojana, National Pension System (NPS), Varishtha Pension Bima Yojana (VPBY), etc. So, depending on your requirement and eligibility, you can choose a plan that will suit you the best.

  1. Invest in a Home

Renting rather than buying a home does not allow you to accumulate equity. As with most people, their home is their most valuable asset. By having an asset, you could be capable of building equity while saving for the long term by buying a property.

Having said that, investing in a home has its drawbacks as well. You need to include the cost of maintenance and paying property tax every year as a part of this to understand the actual cost of investing in a home.

What Is the Importance of Starting Investment in the 30s?

Starting investment in your 30s holds significant importance for long-term financial success. One key advantage is the power of compounding. By investing early, you allow your money to grow over a longer period, harnessing the exponential growth potential of compounding returns. This can lead to substantial wealth accumulation over time.

Additionally, investing in your 30s provides ample time to build a robust retirement fund. With several decades ahead, you have the opportunity to make regular contributions, benefit from market ups and downs, and take advantage of long-term investment strategies. Starting early also allows you to potentially weather market fluctuations and adjust your investments accordingly, taking on a slightly higher risk tolerance to pursue higher returns.

Moreover, investing in your 30s sets you on the path to achieving various financial goals. Whether it’s purchasing a home, starting a business, or funding your children’s education, starting early gives you a head start towards accomplishing these milestones. It provides the necessary time to save, invest, and watch your money grow, ultimately offering you financial security and peace of mind.

How Much Should You Invest in Your 30s?

The amount you should invest in your 30s depends on various factors such as your income, financial goals, risk tolerance, and current financial situation. However, it is generally recommended to save and invest at least 15% to 20% of your income during this stage of life. It’s important to strike a balance between saving for retirement and other financial goals like buying a house, starting a family, or paying off debts. Consulting with a financial advisor can help you determine the appropriate investment amount based on your individual circumstances.


If you are turning 30 or already over it, this is the right time to plan your financial future. Since you are already halfway through your retirement age, you need to start planning for the years to come. To help you achieve your financial goals, we’ve shared some investment tips that you can easily follow to strategize and fulfill your monetary aspirations. Take action now and set yourself up for a secure and prosperous financial future.


Is a fixed deposit a good investment option?

Yes, fixed deposits are a good investment option considering the security of the investment they offer. Once invested, you are guaranteed to earn the pre-decided interest rate throughout the tenure. Also, it does not fluctuate with the movement of the market, which is another bonus. However, FDs are not the ideal way to move forward if you are looking for high returns.

What is investment portfolio diversification?

Investment portfolio diversification is the strategy of balancing risk and reward to get the maximum benefit. The idea of portfolio diversification is to spread investment across different asset classes to get the best results. So, when one investment avenue fails to perform, the others will bridge this gap to help you get to your financial goals.

What is the key to successful investing?

The key to successful investing is understanding the market and being clear about your financial objectives. Once you know what you need to achieve, you can easily chalk out a plan to help you get there. And, when you are well aware of the market movements, you can shift your investments to get the best returns.

Are long-term investment plans necessary to become successful?

Well, not exactly; a long-term investment objective does not mean you will be successful if you are not investing wisely. So, the best option here is to learn more about where you want to invest and how a scheme has historically performed and then decide. Hence, a short-term strategic investment can also deliver the same result as a not so well-thought-out long-term investment plan.

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