Group Term Life Insurance: Everything You Need to Know

byDilip PrasadLast Updated: July 17, 2023
Understanding Group Term Life Insurance

Group term life insurance, often a part of employee benefits programmes, provides cover for many individuals under a single policy. Its distinctive feature lies in its ability to extend insurance benefits to different members of a specific group – often employees of a company or members of an association. Reflecting employers’ concern for their employees’ well-being, a group term life insurance policy can also be purchased for other groups such as customers of banking or non-banking financial institutions, NGOs, clubs, and micro-finance institutions. Read ahead to get more details!

Key Features of Group Term Life Insurance Policies

Group term life insurance policies incorporate several noteworthy features, such as:

  • Coverage: All members in a specific group gain coverage, irrespective of age or health condition. Notably, group term life insurance does not necessitate medical check-ups. Further, coverage ceases when an individual leaves the group.
  • Renewability: Policies are generally renewable annually. However, the terms may change, affecting the premium amount and the extent of coverage.
  • Premium payment: Employers usually bear the premium cost. In certain instances, employees may contribute partially.
  • Policy term: The policy term typically aligns with the individual’s tenure in the group. On leaving, an individual may have the option to convert the group policy into an individual one.

Group Term Life Insurance Benefits

A host of advantages accompany group term life insurance policies, adding to their appeal for both employers and employees.These include:

  • Inclusion of all employees: Regardless of their health condition, all employees gain coverage. This inclusivity fosters a sense of security amongst employees.
  • Affordable premiums: Compared to individual life insurance, group term policies often come at a lower premium cost, making them an affordable choice.
  • Minimal formalities: These policies typically require fewer formalities and no medical check-ups, facilitating easier enrolment.
  • Employer advantage: For employers, providing group term life insurance enhances their reputation as a considerate employer, potentially attracting and retaining talent.

Also Read: Difference Between Life Insurance and Health Insurance

How to Choose the Right Group Term Life Insurance Policy?

When it comes to selecting a group term life insurance policy, several factors warrant careful consideration by the employer or the authority in charge of the institution:

  • Coverage Amount: Evaluate the sum assured as provided by the policy. It should be sufficient to meet the financial needs of policy beneficiaries in the event of an unfortunate incident.
  • Policy Terms and Conditions: It is essential to comprehend the terms and conditions of the policy thoroughly. This includes understanding the circumstances under which the policy might lapse and the options available if an employee leaves the group.
  • Premium Cost: Weigh the premium cost against the benefits provided. Although these policies tend to be affordable, it is prudent to ensure that the cost aligns with the organisation’s budget.
  • Insurer’s Reputation: Consider the insurer’s reputation. Look at factors such as the claim settlement ratio, customer service, and financial stability.

By and large, group term life insurance offers a financial safety net to employees or the beneficiaries of the scheme and their loved ones in events of emergency. Acting as a great draw to employees, this scheme is characterised by its inclusivity, simplicity and affordability. Certainly, it stands to benefit both parties, employer and employee.


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