Disguised Unemployment: Meaning & Types

byDilip PrasadLast Updated: October 14, 2024

What is Disguised Unemployment?

When a section of the labour force is either left with no jobs or else works redundantly. In simple terms, it is a situation where more people are working on a particular job or role than actually required.

This group of labour does not contribute to the total production generated, the employment status of these employees is more of a formality and the economy shows it as hidden employment. 

For example: A job can be done by 2 people, but the actual people working are 10. Technically, 8 people, in this case, are not contributing to production. So their unemployment is “disguised” by the fact that they are still technically employed.

Types of Unemployment

Following are a few types of unemployment:


    • Part time workers looking for full time employment Anyone working as part time seeks a full time employment which may lead to disguised unemployment as the productivity of these people is not completely optimized.
    • Working in low-profile: People who have attained higher education work in a low- skill job and do not use their full ability. 

    Institutional Unemployment:

    • There might be excessive staff in some government departments where the total number of employed employees is more than the requirement.


    • In this case, when someone is ill or disabled but still works. Since they are ill, they are not as active as normal people. The person does not come under the part of the unemployed statistics of the nation.

    Issues due to Disguised Unemployment 

    Following are certain issues that can be lead due to unemployment:

    • Inefficient Use of Resources: When there are more people working than needed, the sector’s productivity can suffer compared to when there are fewer, more efficiently employed persons.
    • Economic Impact: Because extra labor is not deployed in more productive areas, it may contribute to poorer overall economic growth.
    • Wages and Living Standards: In such cases, workers may be underpaid or underemployed, affecting their living conditions and overall economic well-being.

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