Meaning and Benefits of AGMARK

byDilip PrasadLast Updated: October 14, 2024

What is AGMARK?

AGMARK is a certification mark which is used in India to ensure that the agricultural products being produced are of high standards and quality. AGMARK was initially introduced in 1934, where it was advised to India to start the certification process to prevent the exploitation by dealers.

It includes – fruits, Vegetables, cereals, pulses, oilseeds, vegetable oils, ghee, spices, honey, creamery butter, wheat, atta, besan, etc.

The main aim of this certification is to provide consumers with high quality food to improvise the standard of living. 

Benefits of AGMARK

  • Producers: The state offers more subsidies to produce that has a AGMARK. 
  • Consumers: The quality of food is evaluated before reaching the consumer, hence only high quality produce reaches the consumers.
  • For Regulators: It aids in maintaining quality control and standardization in the agricultural sector.

Key Point of AGMARK

  • To certify your products with AGMARK is a voluntary process except for edible vegetable oils and fat spread.
  • This certification is issued by Directorate of Marketing and Inspection (DMI), Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers Welfare, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare under Agricultural Produce (Grading Marking) Act, 1937.
  • Overall, there are more than 200 commodities under this certification.
  • The NIC (National Informatic Centre) has created an online platform for the application of AGMARK certificates.
  • The head office is in Faridabad and laboratories in Nagpur. 

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