Spreading Joy, Building Bond with underprivileged children on Rashtriya Khel Diwas

byPreeti VermaLast Updated: September 11, 2024

We believe that our actions today create the foundation for a brighter tomorrow. In line with this philosophy, our CSR arm Paytm Foundation recently launched a new Community Volunteering Initiative starting from August 24 to September 28. This effort builds on the overwhelming success of last year’s initiatives, continuing our commitment to giving back to the community.

On August 31, Paytmers spent a heartwarming day by celebrating Rashtriya Khel Diwas with underprivileged children through a special event organised in collaboration with CHETNA NGO (Childhood Enhancement through Training and Action). Established in 2002, CHETNA is dedicated to the welfare of marginalised children, particularly those living on the streets or working in hazardous conditions.

Promoting the importance of sports, our Paytmers and CHETNA partnered to create a memorable day filled with games, fun, and learning. The goal was to encourage children to engage in physical activities, fostering joy and health away from the digital screens that dominate modern life.

Our volunteers and the children bonded over games like cricket, football, and kho-kho, providing a joyful escape and a chance for the kids, especially those in remedial education, to enjoy activities they often miss at school. The day was filled with laughter, high energy, and valuable lessons in teamwork, communication, and confidence.

As the day came to an end, smiles lit up the faces of both children and volunteers, leaving behind lasting memories and a sense of fulfillment. This event reinforced our ongoing commitment to community development and child welfare, reminding us of the power of coming together for a greater cause.

We are excited for the opportunities ahead and look forward to making an even greater impact in the future!

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