Set in a rural backdrop in the 1980s, Rangasthalam 1985 narrates the story of Chitti Babu, a hearing-impaired engineer residing in the countryside. His simple and uneventful life gets exciting when he falls in love. But it’s not so easy because his own brother is the main antagonist. Chitti Babu must fight for love and overcome all the hurdles in order to find happiness. This is the first film where Telugu star Ram Charan will be seen in the role of a deaf villager. The celebrated, award-winning actor turned producer in 2017 and is back to entertain us with his performance.
Ram Charan Teja
Samantha Akkineni
Prakash Raj
Jagapati Babu
Amit Sharma
Movie Guide
GenreDrama, Historical, Romantic
Rangamma Mangamma Lyrical Video Song || Rangasthalam Songs || Ram Charan, Samantha, Devi Sri Prasad