Pacific Rim Uprising

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    Pacific Rim Uprising is a sequel to the 2013 sci-fi-action film Pacific Rim. The story picks up 10 years after the events of the first movie that had ended with the demise of many significant characters at the hands of otherworldly monsters. The same monsters are all set to wage another war against humans. The super-machines called Jaegers are deployed for the protection of the human race but the hero who helped win the last war is dead. And his son Jake Pentecost, the only one capable of preserving his father’s legacy, is not aptly trained to fight the highly evolved enemies. With a 15-year old girl as his strongest ally, how will Jake manage to prevent the extinction of the human race?


    Tian Jing
    Rinko Kikuchi
    Burn Gorman
    Charlie Day
    Scott Eastwood
    John Boyega
    Dustin Clare
    Adria Arjona

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