Helmed by the Oscar nominated director, Christopher Nolan, Interstellar is a masterpiece in the science fiction genre. The film garnered humongous critical and commercial success at its initial release in 2014 and is still winning hearts worldwide. With 5 nominations and a win at the 87th Academy Awards, Interstellar is a perfect film to view over in an IMAX theatre. The film follows a group of astronauts who embark on a journey through a wormhole looking out for a new home. Witnessing this visual extravaganza on a 70 mm screen, with breathtaking visual effects, knockout performances and mesmerising sound is definitely a once in a lifetime experience. To view this grandeur in the world’s most spectacular movie viewing format is not something you can afford to miss. To make the experience unforgettable on March 31 in Mumbai, the maestro director, Christopher Nolan will also be present at a one-time only event for IMAX 70mm film screening of this virtual spectacle.