A sequel to the 2012 Punjabi blockbuster film, Carry on Jatta, the film is an out and out comedy film. With the singer-actor Gippy Grewal playing the lead, the film picks up right from where its predecessor left. The story revolves around the young Punjabi boy whose sole dream is to go to Canada. With the help of his friends, they conclude that marrying a Canadian girl will be the ideal way to go. The idea kicks off the journey of several goof ups and endless laughter.
Gippy Grewal
Sonam Bajwa
Jaswinder Bhalla
Gurpreet Ghuggi
Upasana Singh
Binnu Dhillon
B. N. Sharma
Karamjit Anmol
Jyotii Sethi
Movie Guide
GenreComedy, Romance
Carry On Jatta 2 Trailer | Gippy Grewal, Sonam Bajwa
Bhangra Pa Laiye (Full Song) Carry On Jatta 2 Songs
Carry On Jatta 2 (Title Track) Gippy Grewal, Sonam Bajwa | Rel. on 1st June
Kurta Chadra (Full Song) Gippy Grewal, Mannat Noor