The film revolves around the life of Jaswant Singh Rawat and takes us into the 1960s, when apart from economic instability, famine and religious fights, our country was struggling with a new danger - the Indo-China war. Jaswant was born in a poor family of Dehradun & grew up to be a responsible son, devoting his life towards education & his family. However, due to some incidents, he joined the army at a very young age, becoming a successful soldier of Garhwal Rifles Regiment. Shortly after his training, their platoon was sent to defend the approaching Chinese army from the North-East front on India. And began the historical war of Indo-China where our soldiers were outnumbered and outgunned but fought till the last man. Due to adverse circumstances, the infantry had to step back. However, one soldier stood there till his last breath and fought against the Chinese army alone for 72 hours. The soldier was Rifleman Jaswant Singh Rawat.