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HomeFinancial ToolsSukanya Samriddhi Yojana Calculator
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Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana Calculator

Maturity value₹4,39,538
Yearly Investment
Interest Rate
Start Year

*Girl's age must be less than 10 Years

Maturity value₹4,39,538
Total interest₹2,89,538
Total Investment₹1,50,000
Maturity value₹4,39,538
Maturity Year 2044 Years

Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana is a small savings scheme launched by the Indian government as part of the 'Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Campaign.' It is only for girls and is intended to cover their education and marriage expenses. In addition, the guaranteed returns, EEE tax exemption, interest, and maturity amount are some of the additional benefits. The Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana calculator can be used to calculate the maturity amount and determine how much money is to be saved for your girl's education and marriage.

Who can use the Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana calculator?

Legal guardians of a girl child can open an SSY account if the following conditions are met:

  • The girl child must be an Indian citizen.
  • She should be no older than ten years old.
  • The girl’s legal guardian only can open two SSY accounts, and another account can be opened in the case of twins or triplets.
  • The SSY account scheme allows the girl's parents or legal guardian to open and maintain the account.
  • Parent’s or legal guardian’s identity proof such as a passport, a PAN card, a driver's licence, or a ration card.
  • Depositor's address (parent/legal guardian) such as a passport, driver's licence, ration card, utility bill, or phone bill.
  • Any other documents are required by the concerned authority.

How to use a Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana calculator?

Paytm’s Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana Calculator is very easy to use. One can calculate the maturity amount of their Sukanya Yojana investment by entering the correct details.

All that is required is the entry of the following information:

  • Investment per year: This field contains the value of the depositor's investment for his/her girl child.
  • Girl's age: Enter the age of the girl for whom the SSY account is to be opened in this field.
  • Start year: The starting year of the investment should be entered here.

Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana calculator gives the following data:

  • Maturity year: The year in which the scheme matures is shown in this field. It takes 21 years to reach maturity.
  • Maturity amount: This field displays the total value of the Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana investment.

Let’s take an example to understand how the Paytm Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana calculator works. Mr Sharad plans to invest Rs. 50,000 per year into the Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana for his daughter. The investment started when the child was only a few months old and the current interest rate is 7.6%.

He now wants to know how much his investment will be worth when it matures. By using the calculator, his maturity amount would be INR 21,14,196, with the maturity year of 2041. The interest earned on an INR 7,00,000 investment is INR 14,14,196.

How does the Paytm Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana calculator work?

The calculator will assist you in determining the Maturity Year and calculating the Maturity Amount. The calculator automatically calculates the latest SSY Interest Rate announced by the RBI.

The Sukanya Yojana has a 21-year lock-in period with a current interest rate is 7.6%. The investor must make at least one investment per year for 14 years in order to keep the account active.

The investor can choose not to contribute to the account after the 15th year until the 21st year. The SSY account, on the other hand, will continue to earn returns at the current interest rate on previous investments. As a result, the final maturity amount equals the sum of the net investments and interest earned.

The Paytm Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana calculator computes the data based on the following assumptions:

  • The same amount of amount is invested every year.
  • No investments were made from the 15th to the 21st year. The interest is calculated using previous contributions.
  • The interest rate remains constant at 7.6% throughout the scheme's 21-year term.
  • Annual contributions are made on April 1st of each year, and monthly contributions are made on the first of each month.
  • No withdrawals are made during the first 21 years.

Mr and Mrs Mukund, for example, invest in the Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana when their daughter Misha is born. They will make a yearly contribution of INR 50,000 for the next 15 years. They make no withdrawals during the scheme's duration.

At the current rate of 7.6%, a total investment of INR 7,50,000 would earn a total interest of INR 14,47,689 at the end of 21 years. The investment's maturity value at the age of 21 would be INR 21,97,690.

How can a Paytm Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana calculator help?

The best gift you can give your daughter is to invest in her. One such gift is the Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana. The Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana calculator assists you in determining how much you can/should invest each year for your child's future.

The following are some of the benefits of Paytm's SSY Calculator:

  • The calculator is free to use and calculates the maturity value in seconds
  • The calculator provides accurate values, eliminating the need for the investor to manually calculate the returns.
  • Investors can quickly calculate the maturity value of multiple investment amounts, compare the returns, and determine the final investment value.
  • The SSY calculator is simple to use and does not necessitate any special skills. Simply enter the variables into the fields, and the calculator will calculate the maturity amount.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana?
Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana (SSY) is a small savings scheme launched in 2015 by the Government of India as part of the ’Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Campaign.’ A Sukanya Samriddhi Account can be opened at a post office or one of the designated private or public sector banks. The Government determines and announces the interest rate for this scheme every quarter.
What is a Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana Calculator?
The main features and eligibility requirements for the Sukanya Samriddhi account are listed below.
  • The girl should be an Indian citizen.
  • The girl child can take control of the Sukanya Samriddhi account when she reaches the age of 18.
  • There can only be one account per girl child who is less than ten years of age. In addition, only two accounts are permitted per family, with a third account available in the case of twins or triplets.
  • The minimum and maximum annual investments are INR 250 and INR 1.5 lakhs, respectively. To keep the account active, the investor must make a minimum contribution of INR 250 every 15 years. In the event of a default, a penalty of INR 50, in addition to the minimum amount (INR 250), must be paid to activate the account for all defaulted years.
  • The returns are credited to the account once a year and can be withdrawn when the girl reaches the age of 21 or marries, whichever comes first.
  • Premature withdrawal is only possible if the child dies or requires medical treatment for life-threatening diseases.
  • Up to 50% of the money can be withdrawn for the girl child’s higher education at the age of 18. For the next three years, interest is only paid on the remaining balance.
  • Premature withdrawal is only possible if the child dies or requires medical treatment for life-threatening diseases.
  • The SSY account earns no interest after maturity.
What documents are required to invest in the Sukanaya Samriddhi yojana scheme?
The girl’s family must be able to provide the following documents:
  • The girl’s birth certificate
  • Identity proof such as a passport, a PAN card, a driver’s licence, or a ration card.
  • Address proof such as passport, driver’s licence, ration card, utility bill, or phone bill.
  • Any other documents required by the authority.
How to check the Sukanaya samriddhi yojana balance?
First, apply for and receive login credentials for your SSY account from the respective banks. Next, log in to your account using your credentials via an internet portal. The balance of your online accounts will be displayed on the dashboard.
What is the current interest rate on the Sukanaya Samriddhi Yojana?
The Sukanaya Samriddhi Yojana interest rate for the SSY account for the April 2022 - June 2022 quarter is 7.6%.
How do I get money after the SSY matures?
When the maturity period expires, the funds can be withdrawn directly from the SSY account. However, the investor must present a few documents like proof of identity, residence, and citizenship.
Can I make a partial withdrawal from my SSY account?
Yes, the SSY accounts allow conditional withdrawals. A partial withdrawal of up to 50% is permitted for the child’s higher education when she reaches the age of 18.
What are the tax advantages of an SSY scheme?
Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana qualifies for tax exemption under the EEE (Exempt Exempt Exempt) category. The investment amount, interest earned, and maturity amount all are tax-free.
What is the difference between Sukanaya Samriddhi yojana and Provident Fund?
The Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana and the Public Provident Fund are both long-term government investment schemes. Both investment options have few similarities in terms of interest rates, long-term plans, government-backed and regulated plans, and so on. However, the investment’s goal is different. The investments in the provident fund are made by the individual, whereas the SSY is initiated by the parents or a guardian.
HomeFinancial ToolsSukanya Samriddhi Yojana Calculator