INR - Indian Rupee

The Indian Rupee (INR) is the official currency of the India and its currency symbol is ₹. You can find Indian Rupee conversion rates and other important information about INR.

Indian Rupee Profile & Stats
Indian Rupee Stats
  • Name
  • Indian Rupee
  • Symbol
  • Minor Unit
  • 1/100 = paisa
  • Minor Unit Symbol
  • p
Indian Rupee Profile
  • Nicknames
  • Taaka, Rupayya, Rūbāi, Athanni (for 50 P...
  • Coins
  • Freq used: ₹1, ₹2, ₹5, ₹10, p50
  • Bank notes
  • Freq used: ₹5, ₹10, ₹20, ₹50, ₹100, ₹500, ₹2000, ₹200
    Rarely used: ₹1, ₹2
  • Central bank
  • Reserve Bank of India
  • Users
  • India, Bhutan, Nepal
Indian Rupee (INR) Currency Pairings with Other Currencies

What is INR?

INR stands for the Indian Rupee, which is the official currency of India. It is denoted by the symbol '₹' and is issued by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). The Indian Rupee is divided into 100 smaller units called paisa. The word 'rupee' is derived from the Sanskrit word 'rupya', which means 'wrought silver'.

The Indian Rupee is one of the most widely traded currencies in the world, and it is used not only in India but also in the neighboring countries of Nepal and Bhutan. The value of the Rupee is determined by market forces, with exchange rates fluctuating based on supply and demand for the currency.

The Indian Rupee has undergone a number of changes and reforms since its introduction in 1947, including demonetization efforts to curb corruption and counterfeiting, as well as efforts to promote financial inclusion and digital payments. Despite these efforts, the Indian Rupee has faced challenges in recent years due to factors such as high inflation, a large trade deficit, and fluctuations in global oil prices.

History of INR

The Indian Rupee has a long and fascinating history, dating back to ancient India. Here is a brief overview of the history of the Indian Rupee:

  • However, in 1850, Switzerland introduced its own national currency, the Swiss Franc. It was established as the official currency to provide stability and independence to the Swiss economy. The Swiss Franc was backed by gold until 2000 when Switzerland joined the International Monetary Fund and abandoned the gold standard.
  • Ancient India: The earliest currency in India was cowry shells, used in trade and commerce. Over time, other forms of currency emerged, including metal coins and paper currency.
  • Mughal Era: During the Mughal Empire, which lasted from the 16th to 19th centuries, a variety of coins were in circulation, including gold, silver, and copper coins.
  • British Rule: When the British East India Company began to establish control over India in the 18th century, it introduced its own currency, including the Indian Gold Mohur and the Silver Rupee. The Silver Rupee became the standard currency in India under British rule, and it remained in use after India gained independence in 1947.
  • Decimalization: In 1957, India decimalized its currency, replacing the old system of 16 annas to a rupee with a new system of 100 naye paise to a rupee.
  • Demonetization: In 1978, the Indian government demonetized high-denomination banknotes in an effort to combat tax evasion and black money. This move was followed by a series of other demonetization efforts in subsequent years.
  • Recent Reforms: In recent years, the Indian government has implemented a number of reforms aimed at promoting financial inclusion and digital payments. These include the introduction of the Unified Payments Interface (UPI), which allows for instant bank-to-bank transfers, and the promotion of mobile payments and e-wallets.

Today, the Indian Rupee remains a vital part of India's economy and is widely used in trade and commerce both within India and internationally.

Advantage & Disadvantages of INR

Like any currency, the Indian Rupee (INR) has its advantages and disadvantages. Here are some of the key advantages and disadvantages of the INR:


  • Wide Usage: The Indian Rupee is the official currency of India and is used by over 1.3 billion people. It is also used in neighboring countries such as Nepal and Bhutan.
  • Stable Currency: The INR has remained relatively stable in recent years, with inflation under control and exchange rate fluctuations managed by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).
  • Large Economy: India has one of the largest economies in the world, and the INR is widely used in international trade and commerce.
  • Financial Inclusion: The Indian government has implemented a number of reforms in recent years to promote financial inclusion and digital payments, making it easier for people to access banking services and conduct transactions using the INR.


  • Exchange Rate Fluctuations: Like any currency, the INR is subject to exchange rate fluctuations, which can impact its value and make it difficult to predict the cost of transactions.
  • Limited Convertibility: The INR is not fully convertible, which means that there are restrictions on its use in international transactions and investments.
  • Counterfeit Risk: The INR is at risk of counterfeiting, and the RBI has implemented a number of measures to combat counterfeiting, including the introduction of new currency notes with enhanced security features.
  • Corruption and Black Money: India has faced challenges with corruption and black money, with some individuals using cash transactions to evade taxes and engage in illegal activities. This has led to a number of demonetization efforts in recent years, which can disrupt the economy and impact businesses and individuals.

Overall, the Indian Rupee is a widely used currency with a number of advantages and disadvantages. Its future will depend on a range of factors, including economic performance, political stability, and broader trends in the global economy.

Countries that use the INR

The Indian Rupee (INR) is the official currency of India and is used only in India, as well as in the neighboring countries of Nepal and Bhutan. In Nepal, the Indian Rupee is accepted as legal tender, although Nepalese Rupee is also widely used. In Bhutan, the Indian Rupee is accepted in certain areas of the country, particularly near the border with India.

In addition to India, Nepal, and Bhutan, the Indian Rupee is also used in certain regions of Afghanistan, particularly in areas near the border with Pakistan and India. However, the official currency of Afghanistan is the Afghan Afghani, which is the only legal tender in the country.

Overall, the Indian Rupee is primarily used within India and its neighboring countries, although it may be accepted in certain areas outside of these regions as well.

Role of Reserve Bank of India

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has several important roles:

  • Monetary Policy: The RBI formulates and implements monetary policy to maintain price stability and promote economic growth. It uses tools like interest rates, reserve requirements, and open market operations to manage inflation and liquidity in the economy.
  • Banking Regulation: The RBI regulates and supervises banks and financial institutions to ensure their stability and integrity. It establishes rules, guidelines, and norms for banks, conducts inspections, and takes measures to address risks in the financial system.
  • Currency Management: The RBI is responsible for issuing and managing currency in India. It ensures an adequate supply of currency and monitors its circulation to maintain its integrity and efficiency.
  • Financial System Stability: The RBI works to maintain the stability of the financial system by monitoring risks, acting as a lender of last resort during crises, and enhancing the resilience of payment and settlement systems.
  • Foreign Exchange Management: The RBI manages foreign exchange transactions and reserves in India. It formulates policies to promote stability in the foreign exchange market, manages the exchange rate, and safeguards the value of the Indian rupee.
  • Developmental Functions: The RBI supports the development of the Indian economy by providing financial assistance, refinancing facilities, and regulatory support to priority sectors like agriculture and small-scale industries. It also promotes financial inclusion and enhances financial literacy.
  • Research and Analysis: The RBI conducts research, collects data, and publishes reports on various aspects of the economy. It plays a role in providing economic and policy analysis to support decision-making.

How the INR Works

The INR (Indian Rupee) is the official currency of India. It is a decimal currency, which means that it is divided into 100 smaller units called paise. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is responsible for issuing and regulating the INR.

The INR's value relative to other currencies is determined by supply and demand in the foreign exchange market. The RBI sets an official exchange rate for the INR against other major currencies such as the US dollar, but the actual exchange rate may differ from this official rate due to market forces.

The RBI also sets monetary policy to control inflation and maintain stability in the INR's value. One way it does this is by adjusting the interest rates it charges banks for lending and borrowing money. Higher interest rates can make the INR more attractive to foreign investors, leading to an increase in demand and a higher exchange rate.

In addition, the RBI can intervene in the foreign exchange market to buy or sell INR to influence its value. For example, if the INR is weakening against other currencies, the RBI may sell INR to increase its supply and help support its value.

Overall, the value of the INR is influenced by a variety of factors, including the strength of the Indian economy, political stability, global economic conditions, and investor sentiment.

INR Monetary Policy

The monetary policy of India is primarily formulated and implemented by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), which is the central banking institution of the country. The objective of the monetary policy is to maintain price stability and ensure the growth of the Indian economy.

The RBI uses various tools and instruments to manage monetary policy. Some of the key tools include:

  • Repo Rate: This is the rate at which the RBI lends money to commercial banks. By adjusting the repo rate, the RBI can influence the cost of borrowing for banks and ultimately affect interest rates in the economy. Lowering the repo rate encourages borrowing and investment, while raising it helps control inflation.
  • Reverse Repo Rate: This is the rate at which banks can park their surplus funds with the RBI. It acts as a tool for the RBI to absorb excess liquidity from the banking system. Changes in the reverse repo rate affect the interest rates banks offer to customers.
  • Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR): This is the portion of a bank's deposits that it must maintain as reserves with the RBI. By adjusting the CRR, the RBI controls the liquidity in the banking system. Increasing the CRR reduces the funds available for lending and vice versa.
  • Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR): This requires banks to maintain a certain percentage of their deposits in specified liquid assets, such as government securities. The SLR also helps manage liquidity in the banking system and influences the lending capacity of banks.
  • Open Market Operations (OMOs): The RBI conducts OMOs by buying or selling government securities in the open market. When the RBI buys government securities, it infuses liquidity into the system, and when it sells them, it absorbs liquidity.

Apart from these tools, the RBI also uses various other measures such as moral suasion, qualitative guidance, and regulatory measures to shape the monetary policy and achieve its objectives.

The specific details and adjustments of the monetary policy, including interest rates and reserve requirements, are decided by the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) of the RBI. The MPC consists of six members, including the RBI Governor, Deputy Governor, and external members appointed by the government.

The monetary policy decisions in India are influenced by various factors, including inflation levels, economic growth, exchange rate stability, fiscal policy, global economic conditions, and other domestic and international factors that impact the Indian economy.

Future of the Indian Rupee

The future of the Indian Rupee (INR) is likely to be influenced by a range of factors, including economic growth, political stability, inflation, and global economic conditions. Here are some trends and developments that may shape the future of the INR:

  • Economic growth: India has one of the fastest-growing economies in the world, with a large and growing middle class. This could lead to increased demand for INR, which could strengthen its value.
  • Digital currency: The Reserve Bank of India is exploring the possibility of introducing a digital version of the INR, which could make transactions more efficient and help to reduce the use of cash. However, the impact of this development on the value of the INR remains to be seen.
  • Inflation: Inflation has been a persistent issue in India, and high inflation can weaken the value of the INR. The RBI has implemented policies to control inflation, such as raising interest rates, but these policies can also impact economic growth.
  • Political stability: Political stability is important for maintaining investor confidence and promoting economic growth. Any political instability or uncertainty could impact the value of the INR.
  • Global economic conditions: The value of the INR is also influenced by global economic conditions, such as trade relations, interest rates, and exchange rates with other major currencies.

Overall, the future of the INR is likely to be shaped by a range of factors, both domestic and international. While there are potential challenges, such as inflation and political instability, there are also opportunities for growth and development in the Indian economy that could support a strong INR.

Indian Rupee in Global Trade

The Indian rupee (INR) is the official currency of India and is used primarily in the country for domestic transactions. However, the Indian rupee is also used in international trade, particularly in trade with neighboring countries such as Nepal, Bhutan, and Bangladesh.

In addition to this, the Indian rupee is also used as a reserve currency by some central banks around the world, including the Central Bank of Oman and the Bank of Russia.

However, the Indian rupee is not a major currency in global trade and is not widely accepted in international transactions. Most international trade is conducted in major currencies such as the US dollar, the euro, and the Japanese yen.

Furthermore, the value of the Indian rupee is subject to fluctuations due to various economic factors such as inflation, political instability, and changes in trade policies, which can impact its usage in global trade.

Overall, while the Indian rupee is used in some international trade, it is not a major currency in the global market, and its usage is limited to certain regions and countries.