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HomeFinancial ToolsPaytm Currency Converter Sitemap
Paytm Currency Converter Sitemap

Currency List

AED - United Arab Emirates DirhamAFN - Afghan AfghaniALL - Albanian LekAMD - Armenian DramANG - Netherlands Antillean GuilderAOA - Angolan KwanzaARS - Argentine PesoAUD - Australian DollarAWG - Aruban FlorinAZN - Azerbaijani ManatBAM - Bosnia-Herzegovina Convertible MarkBBD - Barbadian DollarBDT - Bangladeshi TakaBGN - Bulgarian LevBHD - Bahraini DinarBIF - Burundian FrancBMD - Bermudan DollarBND - Brunei DollarBOB - Bolivian BolivianoBRL - Brazilian RealBSD - Bahamian DollarBTC - BitcoinBTN - Bhutanese NgultrumBWP - Botswanan PulaBYN - New Belarusian RubleBYR - Belarusian RubleBZD - Belize DollarCAD - Canadian DollarCDF - Congolese FrancCHF - Swiss FrancCLF - Chilean Unit of Account (UF)CLP - Chilean PesoCNY - Chinese YuanCOP - Colombian PesoCRC - Costa Rican ColónCUC - Cuban Convertible PesoCUP - Cuban PesoCVE - Cape Verdean EscudoCZK - Czech Republic KorunaDJF - Djiboutian FrancDKK - Danish KroneDOP - Dominican PesoDZD - Algerian DinarEGP - Egyptian PoundERN - Eritrean NakfaETB - Ethiopian BirrEUR - EuroFJD - Fijian DollarFKP - Falkland Islands PoundGBP - British Pound SterlingGEL - Georgian LariGGP - Guernsey PoundGHS - Ghanaian CediGIP - Gibraltar PoundGMD - Gambian DalasiGNF - Guinean FrancGTQ - Guatemalan QuetzalGYD - Guyanaese DollarHKD - Hong Kong DollarHNL - Honduran LempiraHRK - Croatian KunaHTG - Haitian GourdeHUF - Hungarian ForintIDR - Indonesian RupiahILS - Israeli New SheqelIMP - Manx poundINR - Indian RupeeIQD - Iraqi DinarIRR - Iranian RialISK - Icelandic KrónaJEP - Jersey PoundJMD - Jamaican DollarJOD - Jordanian DinarJPY - Japanese YenKES - Kenyan ShillingKGS - Kyrgystani SomKHR - Cambodian RielKMF - Comorian FrancKPW - North Korean WonKRW - South Korean WonKWD - Kuwaiti DinarKYD - Cayman Islands DollarKZT - Kazakhstani TengeLAK - Laotian KipLBP - Lebanese PoundLKR - Sri Lankan RupeeLRD - Liberian DollarLSL - Lesotho LotiLTL - Lithuanian LitasLVL - Latvian LatsLYD - Libyan DinarMAD - Moroccan DirhamMDL - Moldovan LeuMGA - Malagasy AriaryMKD - Macedonian DenarMMK - Myanma KyatMNT - Mongolian TugrikMOP - Macanese PatacaMRO - Mauritanian OuguiyaMUR - Mauritian RupeeMVR - Maldivian RufiyaaMWK - Malawian KwachaMXN - Mexican PesoMYR - Malaysian RinggitMZN - Mozambican MeticalNAD - Namibian DollarNGN - Nigerian NairaNIO - Nicaraguan CórdobaNOK - Norwegian KroneNPR - Nepalese RupeeNZD - New Zealand DollarOMR - Omani RialPAB - Panamanian BalboaPEN - Peruvian Nuevo SolPGK - Papua New Guinean KinaPHP - Philippine PesoPKR - Pakistani RupeePLN - Polish ZlotyPYG - Paraguayan GuaraniQAR - Qatari RialRON - Romanian LeuRSD - Serbian DinarRUB - Russian RubleRWF - Rwandan FrancSAR - Saudi RiyalSBD - Solomon Islands DollarSCR - Seychellois RupeeSDG - Sudanese PoundSEK - Swedish KronaSGD - Singapore DollarSHP - Saint Helena PoundSLL - Sierra Leonean LeoneSOS - Somali ShillingSRD - Surinamese DollarSTD - São Tomé and Príncipe DobraSVC - Salvadoran ColónSYP - Syrian PoundSZL - Swazi LilangeniTHB - Thai BahtTJS - Tajikistani SomoniTMT - Turkmenistani ManatTND - Tunisian DinarTOP - Tongan PaʻangaTRY - Turkish LiraTTD - Trinidad and Tobago DollarTWD - New Taiwan DollarTZS - Tanzanian ShillingUAH - Ukrainian HryvniaUGX - Ugandan ShillingUSD - United States DollarUYU - Uruguayan PesoUZS - Uzbekistan SomVEF - Venezuelan Bolívar FuerteVND - Vietnamese DongVUV - Vanuatu VatuWST - Samoan TalaXAF - CFA Franc BEACXAG - Silver (troy ounce)XAU - Gold (troy ounce)XCD - East Caribbean DollarXDR - Special Drawing RightsXOF - CFA Franc BCEAOXPF - CFP FrancYER - Yemeni RialZAR - South African RandZMK - Zambian Kwacha (pre-2013)ZMW - Zambian KwachaZWL - Zimbabwean Dollar
SGD - Singapore Dollar
Convert 1 SGD to AEDConvert 1 SGD to AFNConvert 1 SGD to ALLConvert 1 SGD to AMDConvert 1 SGD to ANGConvert 1 SGD to AOAConvert 1 SGD to ARSConvert 1 SGD to AUDConvert 1 SGD to AWGConvert 1 SGD to AZNConvert 1 SGD to BAMConvert 1 SGD to BBDConvert 1 SGD to BDTConvert 1 SGD to BGNConvert 1 SGD to BHDConvert 1 SGD to BIFConvert 1 SGD to BMDConvert 1 SGD to BNDConvert 1 SGD to BOBConvert 1 SGD to BRLConvert 1 SGD to BSDConvert 1 SGD to BTCConvert 1 SGD to BTNConvert 1 SGD to BWPConvert 1 SGD to BYNConvert 1 SGD to BYRConvert 1 SGD to BZDConvert 1 SGD to CADConvert 1 SGD to CDFConvert 1 SGD to CHFConvert 1 SGD to CLFConvert 1 SGD to CLPConvert 1 SGD to CNYConvert 1 SGD to COPConvert 1 SGD to CRCConvert 1 SGD to CUCConvert 1 SGD to CUPConvert 1 SGD to CVEConvert 1 SGD to CZKConvert 1 SGD to DJFConvert 1 SGD to DKKConvert 1 SGD to DOPConvert 1 SGD to DZDConvert 1 SGD to EGPConvert 1 SGD to ERNConvert 1 SGD to ETBConvert 1 SGD to EURConvert 1 SGD to FJDConvert 1 SGD to FKPConvert 1 SGD to GBPConvert 1 SGD to GELConvert 1 SGD to GGPConvert 1 SGD to GHSConvert 1 SGD to GIPConvert 1 SGD to GMDConvert 1 SGD to GNFConvert 1 SGD to GTQConvert 1 SGD to GYDConvert 1 SGD to HKDConvert 1 SGD to HNLConvert 1 SGD to HRKConvert 1 SGD to HTGConvert 1 SGD to HUFConvert 1 SGD to IDRConvert 1 SGD to ILSConvert 1 SGD to IMPConvert 1 SGD to INRConvert 1 SGD to IQDConvert 1 SGD to IRRConvert 1 SGD to ISKConvert 1 SGD to JEPConvert 1 SGD to JMDConvert 1 SGD to JODConvert 1 SGD to JPYConvert 1 SGD to KESConvert 1 SGD to KGSConvert 1 SGD to KHRConvert 1 SGD to KMFConvert 1 SGD to KPWConvert 1 SGD to KRWConvert 1 SGD to KWDConvert 1 SGD to KYDConvert 1 SGD to KZTConvert 1 SGD to LAKConvert 1 SGD to LBPConvert 1 SGD to LKRConvert 1 SGD to LRDConvert 1 SGD to LSLConvert 1 SGD to LTLConvert 1 SGD to LVLConvert 1 SGD to LYDConvert 1 SGD to MADConvert 1 SGD to MDLConvert 1 SGD to MGAConvert 1 SGD to MKDConvert 1 SGD to MMKConvert 1 SGD to MNTConvert 1 SGD to MOPConvert 1 SGD to MROConvert 1 SGD to MURConvert 1 SGD to MVRConvert 1 SGD to MWKConvert 1 SGD to MXNConvert 1 SGD to MYRConvert 1 SGD to MZNConvert 1 SGD to NADConvert 1 SGD to NGNConvert 1 SGD to NIOConvert 1 SGD to NOKConvert 1 SGD to NPRConvert 1 SGD to NZDConvert 1 SGD to OMRConvert 1 SGD to PABConvert 1 SGD to PENConvert 1 SGD to PGKConvert 1 SGD to PHPConvert 1 SGD to PKRConvert 1 SGD to PLNConvert 1 SGD to PYGConvert 1 SGD to QARConvert 1 SGD to RONConvert 1 SGD to RSDConvert 1 SGD to RUBConvert 1 SGD to RWFConvert 1 SGD to SARConvert 1 SGD to SBDConvert 1 SGD to SCRConvert 1 SGD to SDGConvert 1 SGD to SEKConvert 1 SGD to SHPConvert 1 SGD to SLLConvert 1 SGD to SOSConvert 1 SGD to SRDConvert 1 SGD to STDConvert 1 SGD to SVCConvert 1 SGD to SYPConvert 1 SGD to SZLConvert 1 SGD to THBConvert 1 SGD to TJSConvert 1 SGD to TMTConvert 1 SGD to TNDConvert 1 SGD to TOPConvert 1 SGD to TRYConvert 1 SGD to TTDConvert 1 SGD to TWDConvert 1 SGD to TZSConvert 1 SGD to UAHConvert 1 SGD to UGXConvert 1 SGD to USDConvert 1 SGD to UYUConvert 1 SGD to UZSConvert 1 SGD to VEFConvert 1 SGD to VNDConvert 1 SGD to VUVConvert 1 SGD to WSTConvert 1 SGD to XAFConvert 1 SGD to XAGConvert 1 SGD to XAUConvert 1 SGD to XCDConvert 1 SGD to XDRConvert 1 SGD to XOFConvert 1 SGD to XPFConvert 1 SGD to YERConvert 1 SGD to ZARConvert 1 SGD to ZMKConvert 1 SGD to ZMWConvert 1 SGD to ZWLConvert 5 SGD to AEDConvert 5 SGD to AFNConvert 5 SGD to ALLConvert 5 SGD to AMDConvert 5 SGD to ANGConvert 5 SGD to AOAConvert 5 SGD to ARSConvert 5 SGD to AUDConvert 5 SGD to AWGConvert 5 SGD to AZNConvert 5 SGD to BAMConvert 5 SGD to BBDConvert 5 SGD to BDTConvert 5 SGD to BGNConvert 5 SGD to BHDConvert 5 SGD to BIFConvert 5 SGD to BMDConvert 5 SGD to BNDConvert 5 SGD to BOBConvert 5 SGD to BRLConvert 5 SGD to BSDConvert 5 SGD to BTCConvert 5 SGD to BTNConvert 5 SGD to BWPConvert 5 SGD to BYNConvert 5 SGD to BYRConvert 5 SGD to BZDConvert 5 SGD to CADConvert 5 SGD to CDFConvert 5 SGD to CHFConvert 5 SGD to CLFConvert 5 SGD to CLPConvert 5 SGD to CNYConvert 5 SGD to COPConvert 5 SGD to CRCConvert 5 SGD to CUCConvert 5 SGD to CUPConvert 5 SGD to CVEConvert 5 SGD to CZKConvert 5 SGD to DJFConvert 5 SGD to DKKConvert 5 SGD to DOPConvert 5 SGD to DZDConvert 5 SGD to EGPConvert 5 SGD to ERNConvert 5 SGD to ETBConvert 5 SGD to EURConvert 5 SGD to FJDConvert 5 SGD to FKPConvert 5 SGD to GBPConvert 5 SGD to GELConvert 5 SGD to GGPConvert 5 SGD to GHSConvert 5 SGD to GIPConvert 5 SGD to GMDConvert 5 SGD to GNFConvert 5 SGD to GTQConvert 5 SGD to GYDConvert 5 SGD to HKDConvert 5 SGD to HNLConvert 5 SGD to HRKConvert 5 SGD to HTGConvert 5 SGD to HUFConvert 5 SGD to IDRConvert 5 SGD to ILSConvert 5 SGD to IMPConvert 5 SGD to INRConvert 5 SGD to IQDConvert 5 SGD to IRRConvert 5 SGD to ISKConvert 5 SGD to JEPConvert 5 SGD to JMDConvert 5 SGD to JODConvert 5 SGD to JPYConvert 5 SGD to KESConvert 5 SGD to KGSConvert 5 SGD to KHRConvert 5 SGD to KMFConvert 5 SGD to KPWConvert 5 SGD to KRWConvert 5 SGD to KWDConvert 5 SGD to KYDConvert 5 SGD to KZTConvert 5 SGD to LAKConvert 5 SGD to LBPConvert 5 SGD to LKRConvert 5 SGD to LRDConvert 5 SGD to LSLConvert 5 SGD to LTLConvert 5 SGD to LVLConvert 5 SGD to LYDConvert 5 SGD to MADConvert 5 SGD to MDLConvert 5 SGD to MGAConvert 5 SGD to MKDConvert 5 SGD to MMKConvert 5 SGD to MNTConvert 5 SGD to MOPConvert 5 SGD to MROConvert 5 SGD to MURConvert 5 SGD to MVRConvert 5 SGD to MWKConvert 5 SGD to MXNConvert 5 SGD to MYRConvert 5 SGD to MZNConvert 5 SGD to NADConvert 5 SGD to NGNConvert 5 SGD to NIOConvert 5 SGD to NOKConvert 5 SGD to NPRConvert 5 SGD to NZDConvert 5 SGD to OMRConvert 5 SGD to PABConvert 5 SGD to PENConvert 5 SGD to PGKConvert 5 SGD to PHPConvert 5 SGD to PKRConvert 5 SGD to PLNConvert 5 SGD to PYGConvert 5 SGD to QARConvert 5 SGD to RONConvert 5 SGD to RSDConvert 5 SGD to RUBConvert 5 SGD to RWFConvert 5 SGD to SARConvert 5 SGD to SBDConvert 5 SGD to SCRConvert 5 SGD to SDGConvert 5 SGD to SEKConvert 5 SGD to SHPConvert 5 SGD to SLLConvert 5 SGD to SOSConvert 5 SGD to SRDConvert 5 SGD to STDConvert 5 SGD to SVCConvert 5 SGD to SYPConvert 5 SGD to SZLConvert 5 SGD to THBConvert 5 SGD to TJSConvert 5 SGD to TMTConvert 5 SGD to TNDConvert 5 SGD to TOPConvert 5 SGD to TRYConvert 5 SGD to TTDConvert 5 SGD to TWDConvert 5 SGD to TZSConvert 5 SGD to UAHConvert 5 SGD to UGXConvert 5 SGD to USDConvert 5 SGD to UYUConvert 5 SGD to UZSConvert 5 SGD to VEFConvert 5 SGD to VNDConvert 5 SGD to VUVConvert 5 SGD to WSTConvert 5 SGD to XAFConvert 5 SGD to XAGConvert 5 SGD to XAUConvert 5 SGD to XCDConvert 5 SGD to XDRConvert 5 SGD to XOFConvert 5 SGD to XPFConvert 5 SGD to YERConvert 5 SGD to ZARConvert 5 SGD to ZMKConvert 5 SGD to ZMWConvert 5 SGD to ZWL
HomeFinancial ToolsPaytm Currency Converter Sitemap