Produced by Yash Raj Films, the film is a high octane action drama starring Hrithik Roshan, Tiger Shroff and Vaani Kapoor in lead roles. When a man and his mentor are pitted against each other, it leads to a face off between the duo in this action spectacle. Directed by Siddharth Anand, the film features Hrithik and Tiger sharing the screen space for the first time and boasts of high voltage fight sequences, expected to set benchmarks for the action genre in bollywood.
Hrithik Roshan
Tiger Shroff
Vaani Kapoor
Movie Guide
GenreAction, Drama
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War | Official 4K Trailer | Hrithik Roshan | Tiger Shroff | Vaani Kapoor | Releasing 2 October 2019
Tamil : War | Official Teaser | Hrithik Roshan, Tiger Shroff, Vaani Kapoor | Releasing 2 Oct
Telugu : War | Official Teaser | Hrithik Roshan, Tiger Shroff, Vaani Kapoor | Releasing 2 Oct
War | Official Teaser | Hrithik Roshan | Tiger Shroff | Vaani Kapoor | Releasing 2 Oct