This action-drama is set in a village called Koduvilarpatti in Tamil Nadu. High on emotions, the plot focuses on the struggles faced by the innocent yet courageous villagers. The film stars Ajith in the role of an influential don known as Thokku Durai. The actor’s two different looks in the movie have garnered more speculation about his role. Viswasam also brings back the celebrated director-actor duo of Siva and Ajith for the fourth time.
Ajith Kumar
Jagapati Babu
Thambi Ramaiah
Movie Guide
GenreAction, Drama, Thriller
Viswasam - Official Trailer | Ajith Kumar, Nayanthara | Sathya Jyothi Films
Vettikattu Song with Lyrics | Viswasam Songs | Ajith Kumar, Nayanthara | D.Imman | Siva