Pailam Pilaga, set in the picturesque village of Kothula Gutta, follows the life of Shiva, a young man whose dreams extend far beyond his rural roots. As love and destiny become intertwined, Shiva embarks on an epic journey filled with challenges and opportunities for redemption.
Sai Teja Kalvakota
Pavani Karanam
Chitram Srinu
Mirchi Kiran
Dubbing Janaki
Movie Guide
GenreDrama, Comedy
Pailam Pilaga-Teaser | Sai Teja | Pavani Karanam | Anand Gurram | Yashwanth Nag
Pailam Pilaga – Trailer | Sai Teja | Pavani Karanam | Anand Gurram | Yashwanth Nag