Bhaskar Joshi, an engineer, embarks on a road trip to Kutch-Bhuj, which turns into a thrilling and comedic nightmare when he hitches a ride with a man carrying a dark secrete and a dead body. As the tension rises, Bhaskar is joined by another passenger: the wife of a police officer, who also hitches a ride. Will Bhaskar find a way out of this deadly predicament, or is he trapped in a ride straight to disaster?
Malhar Thakar
Chirag Vora
Vaibhavi Upadhyay
Chetan Dhanani
Nilesh Pandya
Chirag Bhatt
Movie Guide
GenreComedy, Thriller
Locha Laapsi | Official Trailer | Mallhar, Chirag V, Vaibhavi U, Chetan D | Sachin B | Gujarati Film