Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan is a Salman Khan-led action-drama with elements of humor and romance in it. The story of the film is set in both North and South India and captures the traditional and modern elements of both the regions. Headlined by Salman Khan and Pooja Hegde, KBKJ has an ensemble cast with names like Daggubati Venkatesh, Jagapathi Babu, Bhumika Chawla, Abhimanyu Singh, Vijender Singh, Shehnaaz Gill, Raghav Juyal, Palak Tiwari, Siddharth Nigam, Jassie Gill and Vinali Bhatnagar who collectively have a massive fan base across demographics. The story of the film is set around four brothers, Salman Khan being the oldest, who is a self-appointed vigilante committed to the cause of keeping the society crime-free. The character also doesn’t believe in romantic associations and in an attempt to make him believe in love, his brothers set him up with a woman similar to his previous love interest. What follows is a series of events that takes all of them across the length of the country and various revelations with all the elements of a wholesome entertainer.
Salman Khan
Pooja Hegde
Jagapati Babu
Vijender Singh
Daggubati Venkatesh
Shehnaaz Gill
Palak Tiwari
Jassi Gill
Siddharth Nigam
Raghav Juyal
Vinali Bhatnagar
Bhumika Chawla
Abhimanyu Singh
Movie Guide
GenreAction, Romance
Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan Teaser | Salman Khan, Venkatesh D, Pooja H | Farhad Samji | EID 2023