This action-comedy is the third instalment in the Dabangg film series. Revolving around the eccentric cop Chulbul Pandey, the movie is full of fascinating stunts and rib-tickling humour. The plot follows Pandey on a new adventure and a new battle against a dangerous villain never seen before in the series. Apart from Salman Khan reprising his role of the protagonist, Sonakshi Sinha, Arbaaz Khan and Mahie Gill too appear as the characters they played in the first two movies.
Saiee Manjrekar
Kiccha Sudeep
Salman Khan
Sonakshi Sinha
Movie Guide
GenreAction, Romance, Thriller
Dabangg 3: Naina Lade Video | Salman Khan, Saiee Manjrekar | Javed Ali | Sajid Wajid
Dabangg 3: Official Motion Poster | Salman Khan | Sonakshi Sinha | Prabhu Deva | 20th December 2019
Dabangg 3: YU KARKE Video | Salman Khan, Sonakshi Sinha, Saiee Manjrekar | Payal Dev | Sajid Wajid
Dabangg 3: Munna Badnaam Hua Video | Salman Khan | Badshah,Kamaal K, Mamta S | Sajid Wajid