Aankh Micholi is an upcoming Bollywood comedy drama directed by Umesh Shukla. It revolves around a “family of misfits” and the most 'eye-conic' Wedding Of The Year. The movie's cast features Abhimanyu, Mrunal Thakur, Paresh Rawal, Sharman Joshi, Divya Dutta, Abhishek Banerjee, Darshan Jariwala, Grusha Kapoor and Vijay Raaz.
Abhimanyu Dasani
Mrunal Thakur
Sharman Joshi
Paresh Rawal
Divya Dutta
Vijay Raaz
Abhishek Banerjee
Movie Guide
GenreComedy, Drama
Aankh Micholi - Official Trailer | Paresh R | Mrunal T| Abhimanyu | Sharman J | Divya D