Introducing 'Quick Book' Feature!
Travel frequently by the same train? Now, you don't need to search for the train again, or fill travellers' details. We have made your train booking easier and the checkout faster with our new 'Quick Book' feature. All you need to do is opt for the feature by 'marking the route as favourite' after booking tickets, and while booking tickets for the same train the next time, you can skip all the steps and just select the quick-book-suggested option and complete the payment.

The feature helps you save time while booking tatkal train tickets or during festive rush, when the availability of tickets is low.

Here's a step by step guide on how to use this feature on Paytm:

Step 1: Go to the top left menu on Paytm home page and click on the 'Order Summary.'

Step 2: Click on the train booking detail and 'mark as favourite' to see it as a 'quick book' option. If you have booked the same train twice, it will automatically appear as a 'quick book' option, without you having to mark it as favourite.

Step 3: While booking tickets the next time for the same train, you can see the route as a 'quick book' option.

Step 4: Select the 'quick book' option to skip filling travellers' details again. Just review your itinerary, complete the payment, and book your train tickets within seconds.

Use this feature and enjoy hassle-free train ticket booking on Paytm!