As per RBI mandate, please provide any of your government document details to continue using Paytm Wallet.
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Offer is applicable only in Mumbai, Navi Mumbai & Thane at Grocery Stores, Retail Stores,
Restaurants, Petrol Pumps, Dairy outlets, Pharmacies, Parking, Auto/taxi Rides, Hospitals, Automobile
Services, Beauty & Fitness etc. on payments done using mobile number/QR Code at selected merchants registered
with Paytm
Participation in this campaign opens from 19th May'18 at 00.01 hours and concludes on 31st July'18
at 23:59 hours
Customer is eligible for cashback once every month on making 1st successful payment of minimum Rs 20 in the
month using mobile number/QR Code
Minimum payment amount is Rs.20
Customer is eligible for Rs.10 cashback every month during the campaign period
Cashback will be credited within 48 hours of successful payment.
In cases of fraudulent/suspicious transactions, Paytm solely reserves the right to revoke the Cashback