Terms & Conditions for the offer
- Get 2% cashback on adding minimum 5000 to the wallet via all BOB Credit Cards.
- The maximum cashback that a user can receive under this offer is Rs. 200.
- The Offer shall be valid from 00:01 hrs. on 1st April 2022 and end at 23:59 hrs. on 30th April 2022.
- Offer can be availed one time per user during the campaign validity.
- Offer is limited to only first eligible transaction per card in the entire offer duration.
- This offer is valid on Add Money on Paytm app only.
- Offer is not applicable on transactions where the user adds money to wallet in between an ongoing merchant payment.
- Paytm or BOB Credit card reserves the right to revoke the cashback in case the user is found to have fraudulent behavior.
- Cashback will be calculated only on the amount added on Paytm wallet via BOB Credit Card.
- The offer is open to all BOB credit card users for the entire offer duration.
- Cashback will be credited into the user’s Paytm Wallet on or before 15th June 2022